Saturday, April 22, 2006

Tonight I am Wrapped in Grey

Tonight I am wrapped in grey
While flames of desire
Dance around me in flourescent reds.
Colourful processions of passion
March past me - watching grey eyes
'Nice' next-door flower-on-the-wall...
Tonight, I am wrapped in grey.

Monday, April 17, 2006

A Simple Pair of Scissors

In the shower in a hot afternoon,
my man busy in his mental world,
which he jealously gaurds from me and others.
me, busy with material life,
both mine and his...
Water, cleaning, bathing...
I realize i need help
I cannot go on alone
I need a pair of simple scissors to cut open the packed secrets of my life
we need to do it together...
To clean me, to wipe me shining, to comeout fresh
I cry out for help...
"I am busy,"
Is a reply i have heard before,
is a reply i will keep on hearing
I drip tears in the wet bathroom
I know that I will never be heard,
I know that i will die without help.
