Saturday, February 25, 2006


Years ago,
Her youth loved his vast, expansive maleness
Which had roamed the world
Known it, tasted it, and retained it
In his lilting walk, and blazing eyes.

She was experienced
With many sorrows
That had sedimented over
His rejection of her
That happened
Years ago.

When ever he saw her
He relived his youth
Its foolish and brash power
To reject.

That moment,
of absolute power,
of rejection and abandonment,
Would replay in his mind
For years and years...

She became a mythical figure in his mind

For...he knew he was being cowardly
He knew he could not take her,
Her sharp gaze and her sharper tongue
Which was fragile in front of him now
But, which could turn to hit him hard...

Thus...he had taken the power which he did not feel
To return her gift of herself.

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